Behind The Scenes – Mark Wallis

Masters of Wedding Photography

Behind The Scenes – Mark Wallis

“A lot of effort goes into securing the bride’s hair ready for her wedding day, but the veil can often be an after-thought. Normally a loose veil is a minor annoyance, but a strong breeze meant a quickly escalating veil disaster for this particular bride.”

“A lot of effort goes into securing the bride’s hair ready for her wedding day, but the veil can often be an after-thought. Normally a loose veil is a minor annoyance, but a strong breeze meant a quickly escalating veil disaster for this particular bride.”

"The wind plucked the veil high into the air, and then into a tree in the garden of a neighboring property. A gaggle of guests were quickly called into action to try and retrieve the veil using whatever tools they could find. A long ladder found behind an outbuilding was employed and they got started."

"I started shooting close to the action to capture the expressions of the rescue team, but as the veil flew yet higher in the tree I quickly realized I needed a wide viewpoint to really tell the story. Memorable moments like this are only possible if the couple are left to enjoy their drinks reception with their guests rather than being dragged off to pose for photos."


Mark Wallis


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