Here you can find your Wedding photographer in Leinster

All professional wedding photographers from Leinster are listed below, presented in order of the number of awards they have won this year.

Wedding photographers from Leinster

The wedding photographers below are all based in Leinster and have a lot of experience in shooting weddings at various wedding venues in Leinster. They will be able to find the most beautiful spots at the Brayhead Cliff, at the castle of Dublin, in the Wicklow Mountains or at the scenic Powerscourt Estate.

Every three months, all photographers can participate in the Masters competition in which the most beautiful wedding photos receive an award.The best wedding photographers from Leinster who have won the most awards this year will be at the top of the list.

Because most professional wedding photographers from Ireland are members of the Masters, it can be stated that the list below is a worthy representation of all wedding photographers in Leinster. You can filter by region, reviews and number of LifeTime awards, which the photographers have won since the start of the Masters in 2014. Although the filter is now set to Leinster, almost all wedding photographers work nationally.

The best wedding photographers of the UK & Ireland

Why the best?

Because these wedding photographers submit their photos 4 times a year to be judged by an independent international jury of experienced wedding photographers.

The jury assesses which photos are of high quality and thus win an award. In this way, the best wedding photographers with the most awards in this year will be at the top of the list

You can also filter by number of LifeTime awards, which the photographers have won since the start of the Masters in 2014 or filter by region to find a wedding photographer near you.

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Best of last year


Janina Brocklesby

  • 18
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Wedding photographer of the year 2023