The Flower Girl

Masters of Wedding Photography

The Flower Girl

The Flower Girl who didn’t want to wear a dress…

The Flower Girl who didn’t want to wear a dress…

This photo is all about the couple's daughter. She was a real tomboy at the time of the wedding. She'd spent the morning sitting around playing games on her phone etc. Then came to getting in her pretty flower girl dress.

She hates dresses.

So, to show her displeasure at having to wear it, she buried her head in the sofa. You couldn't get more "little girl throwing a tantrum on the morning of the wedding".

The bride was still having her makeup done at the time. But when I saw the flower girl, I immediately went over to try and capture the moment.

Luckily for me, she spent over a minute like this. So I worked my socks off to get this image.

It just felt special.

I knew the light was good and I knew the moment was one that the couple would really appreciate in the future. You could make fun of your daughter for years to come with this one powerful photo.

Captured at Great Fosters Hotel in Surrey. I worked hard for this photo. It's shot through the back of a chair, the dark areas top and bottom are the slats of the chair, they aren't burned in later in post.

There's actually very little work done to the image, about 3 tiny areas of burning, to remove a reflection in the TV, that I was trying to crop out using the bars in the chair.

Obviously uses my trademark black and white process - I've always loved BW and love manipulating images to bring out the most of their tonal range.

 This photo has won me a Masters Award, Fearless Award, 1st place Kids will be Kids for ISPWP Award and a 9Dots Award.

It's my most awarded image and I'm very proud of it. 

Paul Tansley

Paul Tansley is a Hampshire Wedding Photographer and more of his work can be found at:

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