Steven Rooney – Wedding photographer of the year 2021!

Masters of Wedding Photography

Steven Rooney – Wedding photographer of the year 2021!

In 2021, wedding photographer Steven Rooney won 27 awards, being named Wedding Photographer of the Year 2021.

In 2021, wedding photographer Steven Rooney won 27 awards, being named Wedding Photographer of the Year 2021.

Steven Rooney from North West has won 27 awards this year with his amazing wedding photography. Now he has the title Wedding Photographer of the Year 2021.

Congratulations Steven!

Congratulations Steven! What does it mean to you now that you've won this title Wedding Photographer of the year?
Thank you. I'm extremely grateful to receive this award. I'm humbled as there were so many other great photographers (who I think are much better than me) who entered this year. For me, competitions like this are a chance to learn and grow as a photographer, to stay relevant and to continue to be visible in the wedding photography sphere. The knock-on effects of winning this title will be great for my business in terms of exposure and marketing, but also in building brand confidence and helping me stand out above other similar photographers in the marketplace. 

Can you tell us something about your growth, from starting as a wedding photographer to who you are now?
I guess my vision has always been the same, but the difference between what I want to achieve and what I actually achieve is almost in line now. What I love about photography is this quest for perfection that is always elusive. I'm constantly learning and evolving my practice and I'm pretty sure that will be a constant until I hang up my camera. One of the biggest things for me in my growth as a photographer has been learning to trust my own instincts and be myself, looking less at the work of others, in particular, helped me to find my own voice. 

What is your favourite photo of the last few years and why?
Strangely my favourite photos are not the same photos others would choose. I like the ones that were the most difficult to achieve, for whatever reason. But I'm quite aware of this and try to detach myself from the situation when choosing images for competitions or my portfolio. It could be an image where I got in close when there was an emotional moment, pushing me out of my comfort zone. Or on the other hand something with multiple flashes that was tricky to set up. 

Do you have any plans or goals for the future?
To keep learning, trying, failing, and trying again. To continue to grow as a photographer and business person with help and feedback from my mentors and my peers. 

Below are some award-winning photos of Steven he won this year and more of his work can be found on Steven's profile page.

Above award winning photos by Steven Rooney

Check out all his winning photos on his profile

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