Confetti, flowers, bubbles and these two happy faces!

Masters of Wedding Photography

Confetti, flowers, bubbles and these two happy faces!

As soon as I took this photograph, I knew it was the one! What a release I felt!

As soon as I took this photograph, I knew it was the one! What a release I felt!

The couple were great and the 50's style themed wedding, outstanding.

The guests resembled extras from the film "Grease"- excellent.To nail the first shot of Sally-Anne and Stuart stepping into the world as a newly wed couple made me feel euphoric.

To create a timeless powerful image that connects emotions and to be able to add my personal vision to the photograph is to take the step from reproducing to expressing. You can see this image expresses happy good vibes.

Photography is a unique creative process. It allows the photographer to express personal artistic expression.

A photograph is the final product of a creative process that we as photographers create using the elements present in the scene, making a series of conscious decisions that respond to intention and vision. 

Cristina Grañena

Cristina Grañena is a wedding photographer in East of England and more of his work can be found at:

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