Behind The Scenes – Paul Fletcher

Masters of Wedding Photography

Behind The Scenes – Paul Fletcher

“This wedding image has a beautiful story behind it, one that struck a chord with me and resulted in a unique booking.”

“This wedding image has a beautiful story behind it, one that struck a chord with me and resulted in a unique booking.”

"The bride had seen my previous work and contacted me to see whether I could work with her to create natural images that didn’t completely centre around her wheelchair, whilst celebrating her disability and sense of fun. I felt honoured and I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to have a frank conversation that allowed us to relax and work together with no holds barred!"

"So, what led to this image? We were out for a swift couple shoot and the we’d decided that the bride’s prosthetic leg should feature in an interesting way. Having tried a few shots with the bride in the groom’s arms with the leg in the foreground, it dawned on me that the leg itself was all that was required to tell the story. The ground was cracked and dry, so presented the perfect backdrop for the leg. The resulting image was an instant hit and we all agreed that whilst the viewer would see the wedding connection, it would also leave them somewhat flummoxed too. Success!"

"This image may be the award winner, but the real winners were the natural couple shots that gave the bride a refreshing and exciting view of her wedding day!"

Paul Fletcher


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